
Hiking is a great outdoor activity for campers that offers a range of physical, mental and emotional benefits. Exploring new trails in nature can help campers stay active and connect with the outdoors while also providing a sense of tranquility and peace.

Why Hiking?

Hiking is an incredible way to explore new places, get some exercise, and take in the beauty of nature. Hiking also offers a great sense of accomplishment which can be fueled by setting goals and challenging yourself. With different levels of difficulty available from easy-going strolls to aggressive mountain climbs, hiking provides something to suit everyone’s tastes. Taking on these trails allows you to think outside the box, become more aware of your surroundings, and build confidence as you learn new skills along the way. All in all, it’s an incredible experience which leaves you feeling energized and rejuvenated in mind, body and soul!

Great Place for Kids to Go Hiking

Camp Courage is the perfect spot for kids to get out and explore the great outdoors. With miles of trails, a variety of terrains, and plenty of activities on-site, Camp Courage is a great destination for young hikers. Whether kids are looking for an easy hike or something more challenging, they’ll find it here. 

Not only does Camp Courage offer amazing views but it also offers experienced instructors and safety guidelines to ensure kids have a safe but fun adventure. With its scenic pathways, plentiful amenities and helpful staff, Camp Courage is the ideal place for kids to go hiking!

Physical Health

Hiking allows for improved physical health through the consistent use of muscles and cardiovascular exercise.


One of the most rewarding benefits of hiking is the ability to gain an appreciation for nature’s beauty.


Hiking can be an engaging and rewarding activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.


Camp Courage is an amazing organization whose mission is to provide life-changing experiences to children and young adults dealing with the struggles of cancer. Through its innovative activities and programs, Camp Courage provides its participants the opportunity to learn, grow and have fun in a safe and supportive environment. By donating to Camp Courage, you will be helping fund the much needed experiences for these individuals, allowing them to make lasting memories that will stay with them for years to come. Your donation will also help ensure that Camp Courage can continue providing these invaluable services.